On December 1, 2017, a lavish Launching Ceremony and Symposium hosted at the Civic Centre in Markham, Ontario introduced Vasoheme to Canadians for the first time.
A significant event for both the natural health product industry and the Canadian healthcare system, this Ceremony and Symposium centred around the first traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) launched in Canada with both TCM and western clinical data supporting its indications as approved by NNHPD.
The event started with a Welcoming Speech by various councillors and relevant figures such as Markham Ward 7 Councillor Logan Kanapathi, Scarborough MPP Raymond Cho, Dr. Albert Wong of Zigen Medical Sciences, Dr. Arthur Lo of Techwork Business Corporation (the sole distributor of Vasoheme in Canada), and most importantly, the developer and manufacturer of Vasoheme, Professor Li Tin Qian of Sichuan University West China Medical Centre.
After an exchange of opening remarks and a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the introduction of Vasoheme to Canada, Professor Li Tin Qian delivered an academic lecture on Vasoheme’s clinical applications and its twenty-plus years’ usage in China and Japan in treating cerebro-cardiovascular ailments.
Below is a recording of the speeches and ceremony taking place on the morning of December 1, 2017 (content is in Cantonese, Mandarin and English).
Dr. Arthur Lo, Dr. Albert Wong, and Professor Li Tin Qian were interviewed about Vasoheme a few days after the Launcing Ceremony and Symposium on CCCTV, a Chinese-Canadian channel. Photos and videos of the interview can be seen below.
Professor Li Tin Qian, Dr. Arthur Lo and Dr. Albert Wong interviewed on CCCTV (Mandarin only).