康寧堂Techwork App更新完結了/Updates Finished!Arthur2019年8月8日讀畢需時 1 分鐘我們的app更新完結了!下載「康寧堂Techwork」並在 iPhone 、iPad 和 Android 上盡享豐富功能。Our apps have been updated with a new format! Check it out - search “Techwork or 「康寧堂」to find our app on the Google Play store and Apple Store !
我們的app更新完結了!下載「康寧堂Techwork」並在 iPhone 、iPad 和 Android 上盡享豐富功能。Our apps have been updated with a new format! Check it out - search “Techwork or 「康寧堂」to find our app on the Google Play store and Apple Store !
注意:我的 WhatsApp 壞了! 請傳段訊給我!Notice: My WhatsApp Broke. Please text me!本人「WhatsApp」壞掉了,若要診症,各位朋友可用電話聯繫,多謝支持。 勞醫師 Dear all, my WhatsApp is not working and hasn't for several days. Please text or call me at +1...